I have a program that is creating a mint account, the associated token account, the meta data account. Right now I'm just testing it out without a frontend, but eventually I want to batch them all together into one transaction. The reason why is because I also want to make function callers pay a fee to a certain address. I have the following functions from the @solana/spl-token
library, how can I modify them all to be added to the Web3.js Transaction
Here's what I have for the two I couldn't figure out:
const transactionSignature = await token.mintTo(
const tokenAccount = await token.createAssociatedTokenAccount(connection, payer, mint, owner)
Is it good practice to just have separate transactions?
In this case, paying the fee would come first. If not, how can I bundle these two and send them together as transactions? I see that the second transaction depends on the mint
variable I've never done them separate before so I'm not sure how unconventional it would really be