So following the answer from this thread:
How many solana transaction confirmations are enough to declare a transaction as finalized before it hits 31 and actually finalizes itself?
Solana doesn't work with the "number of confirmations" scheme that is
used in Ethereum with PoW. The commitment levels are based whether a
supermajority of validators has confirmed the transaction (finalized)
or includes votes from gossip (inter-validator communication) and
replay (confirmed). Therefore, the time to confirmed and time to
finalized can vary.
and documentation from:
If commitment configuration is not provided, the node will default to
"finalized" commitment
On the front-end, when sending transactions like so
const signature = await provider.signAndSendTransaction(transaction);
const confirmation = await connection.confirmTransaction(
blockhash: latestBlockHash.blockhash,
lastValidBlockHeight: latestBlockHash.lastValidBlockHeight,
I would get the following RpcResponse object
const confirmationRpcResponse = {
context: {slot: 150669448}
value: {err: null}
Is my understanding correct, that if I do not provide any commitment (in the signAndSendTransaction method) the RPC response confirmTransaction gives me information that transaction was finalized and I do not need any more "checking for confirmations", "checking for timestamps" etc. ?
Why does value key hold an err object and no actual value, like "processed" "finalized" "confirmed" - anything that would be more understandable than just slot and empty err key. How should I understand the response I got?
UPDATE 26.07.2022:
Just got the following error:
Error: TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError: Signature
has expired: block height exceeded.
When using the above method. So there is definitely something else that has to be done before I can declare a transaction final. Where can I read about it?
UPDATE 27.07.2022:
So yesterday I was getting something from
blockhash: latestBlockHash.blockhash,
lastValidBlockHeight: latestBlockHash.lastValidBlockHeight,
Today it doesn't return anything. Just like that. good game well played. Looks like after some time I get:
Error: TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError: Signature
has expired: block height exceeded.
So I guess the network is busy.