Firstly, do I understand correctly that CPI call is one of the ways to call a method of program?

If so, only by examining a TX on the blockchain, will it be possible to distinguish a CPI call to a program from a normal one?

2 Answers 2


A CPI is when a program calls another program during a transaction.

You can see CPI as inner instructions in the solana explorer:

Here an example: https://explorer.solana.com/tx/625sih8CkKT4pknX4JXuZSpH7awjfhDYcFpCDQDuwSTRxc9dD6JH5emk8Fi4TVQmWaeWiHS7xhD22s72LDHoaeQL

You can see its using the Jupiter Accounts Route and then does a CPI to flux beam. enter image description here

  • You can see its using the Jupiter Accounts Route and then does a CPI to flux beam. -- I see a list of accounts and TXs. Where precisely is that observed?
    – kriss100
    Commented Mar 14 at 19:57
  • By the way, when a browser wallet makes a swap, is CPI getting used too?
    – kriss100
    Commented Mar 14 at 19:59
  • Yes every transaction can do a CPI into another program. You can see it marked as Inner Instruction in the solana explorer. Other explorers may show it differently
    – Jonas H.
    Commented Mar 14 at 20:25
  • I'm not asking what a TX can do. I asked -- when a browser wallet makes a swap, is CPI getting used too? Or not?
    – kriss100
    Commented Mar 14 at 20:36
  • In other words: do browser addons or wallets, for swap operations, use CPI a) always b) often c) almost never?
    – kriss100
    Commented Mar 14 at 20:38

When you fetch a transaction with the getTransaction endpoint, you'll get all of the top-level instructions in the transaction in transaction.message.instructions, which are not CPIs. You'll also get the meta.innerInstructions, which are all of the CPIs.

More information at https://solana.com/docs/rpc/http/gettransaction

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