I always close and redeploy but Its annoying ... so i need to upgrade instead .

solana program upgrade target/deploy/program-keypair.json new_program.json owner.json -u "https://mainnet.helius-rpc.com/?api-key=7e466"

Error: Upgrading program failed: RPC response error -32002: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: invalid program argument [3 log messages]

how to fix it or to find the log messages.

this is how I deploy .

solana program deploy target/deploy/program.so -u "https://mainnet.helius-rpc.com/?api-key=7e466" --program-id new_program.json

I tried with this simple program .

use solana_program::{

// declare and export the program's entrypoint

// program entrypoint's implementation
pub fn process_instruction(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    instruction_data: &[u8]
) -> ProgramResult {
    // log a message to the blockchain
    msg!("Hello, world!");
    // msg!("Hello, world!");
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"

name = "hello_world"
crate-type = ["cdylib", "lib"]

solana-program = "1.18.2"
  • still nothing . Commented May 14 at 10:55
  • There might be an issue with the new version of your program, ie. it's using a syscall unsupported by mainnet. The CLI unfortunately isn't properly reporting deployment errors at the moment, but that will be fixed soon.
    – Jon C
    Commented May 15 at 15:13
  • @JonC thanks for responding, I tried with a simple hello world program but same . Commented May 15 at 16:11
  • @JonC here its . imgur.com/a/HTkLnbz Commented May 15 at 16:18
  • seems like i'm doing something wrong ... since target/deploy/program-keypair.json file isn't modified since its generated for the first time Commented May 15 at 16:29

2 Answers 2


This could help someone like me.

The issue in my case was I'm using the target/deploy/program-keypair.json key-pair as the buffer account which is obviously wrong , instead you'll need to write a new buffer account (deploy the program to a buffer account) and then use the buffer Pubkey to do the upgrade.

so after deploying and you're willing to upgrade , you'll need to do this.

  1. solana program write-buffer path/to/program.so. (you'll get a buffer pubkey).

  2. solana program upgrade BUFFER_PUBKEY PROGRAM_PUBKEY.


Sometime I forgot check my balance address authority, so I don't have enough SOL balance to pay fee. LOL

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