I am using the Raydium script to swap transactions, and I'm currently testing on the mainnet. I tried to swap a small amount of 0.001 SOL, but each time I do this, I receive a transaction hash. However, when I copy and paste this hash for verification, it shows nothing. Additionally, no tokens appear in my wallet, nor is any SOL deducted. When I run the script again with the same code, it attempts to swap again. Could this issue be due to the low amount I am swapping, or is there another problem?
const swapTransaction = await Liquidity.makeSwapInstructionSimple({
connection: this.connection,
makeTxVersion: useVersionedTransaction ? 0 : 1,
poolKeys: {
userKeys: {
tokenAccounts: userTokenAccounts,
owner: this.wallet.publicKey,
amountIn: amountIn,
amountOut: minAmountOut,
fixedSide: fixedSide,
config: {
bypassAssociatedCheck: false,
const recentBlockhashForSwap = await this.connection.getLatestBlockhash();
const instructions =
if (useVersionedTransaction) {
const versionedTransaction = new VersionedTransaction(
new TransactionMessage({
payerKey: this.wallet.publicKey,
recentBlockhash: recentBlockhashForSwap.blockhash,
instructions: instructions,
return versionedTransaction;
const legacyTransaction = new Transaction({
blockhash: recentBlockhashForSwap.blockhash,
lastValidBlockHeight: recentBlockhashForSwap.lastValidBlockHeight,
feePayer: this.wallet.publicKey,
return legacyTransaction;