I was checking different ways to initialize a solana program. I am quiet new to field and expecting some support here.

I am running some VMs on a auto scaling group. I want to invoke a program when some events submitted from that VMs.

My current questions are,

When its auto scaling how can I invoke the program. I am using JS in my servers.

In my devnet setup I can generate a keypair and airdrop and send transaction to program to invoke it. How can I do it on main net?

and Are there any other ways to invoke the programs.


1 Answer 1


I'm going to assume that you are using the solana CLI to perform these operations since there isn't a lot of specific information to go on from your question.

To perform mainnet-beta operations, switch your local solana config to point to mainnet-beta

solana config set --url mainnet-beta 

confirm that everything is correct by running

solana config get

should output something like this

Config File: /home/jimii/.config/solana/cli/config.yml # solana cli config file path
RPC URL: https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com # RPC URL, 
WebSocket URL: wss://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com/ (computed) # websocket URL
Keypair Path: /home/jimii/.config/solana/id.json # your local keypair 
Commitment: confirmed # commitment status. can be finalized, confirmed, processed

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