I am trying to call a function using a non-anchor program from solana. The function takes a [u8:32] argument as "seeds" and a u32 argument as "number_of_schedules". I have looked all over the docs online and no information on this is available, or they only show how to encode basic data like instruction index. Here is my layout:

  const dataLayout = BufferLayout.struct([
    BufferLayout.u32('seeds'), // I don't think this is right; should be [u8; 32] but can't find that
  const data = Buffer.alloc(dataLayout.span);
      instruction: 0, // 0 for create instruction,
      seeds: seeds,
      number_of_schedules: new BN(3),

please help me

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1 Answer 1


An array of fixed length can be expressed as follows:

BufferLayout.seq(BufferLayout.u8('seed'), 32, 'seeds')

A sequence (labelled 'seeds') of u8 elements (labeled 'seed'), of length 32.

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