The .env file of the Bundler i am setting up has a weird way to set up priorization fees.
I'm used to the Compute_unit_limit and Compute_unit_price variables, setting those up to, lets say, For example, if you send a transaction with a single instruction, which has a compute unit limit of 200,000 and you set your compute unit price to 2.8 lamports per unit. Then you will end up paying a priority fee of 560000 lamports which is (560000 * 10^(-9) =) 0.00056 SOL.
However in the config i am setting up, those 2 variables are named Compute_Limit_Price and Compute_Unit. And in the example provided by the Dapp Dev, those values are set to 1000000 and 2000000, which would give a priorization fee of 20 sols..... What am i missing and what should i put in those variables to have a reasonable priorization fee?
Thanks in advance for your help.