Currently find issue when find PDAs for this code, basically i am using the the 1. static string "version" 2. publickey of PDA of case 3. the latest_version_id of case as elements of seeds to generate. but i find my anchor program and test file can't generate same PDAs
Anchor Code:
#[instruction(case_id: u32)]
pub struct CreateVersion<'info> {
seeds = [CASE_SEED.as_bytes(), &case_id.to_le_bytes()],
pub case: Account<'info, Case>,
payer = authority,
space = 8 + U32_SIZE + 4 + 4 + 4 + MAX_TOKEN_NAME_LEN + 4 + MAX_TOKEN_TICKER_LEN + 4 + MAX_TOKEN_IMAGE_LEN + U64_SIZE + 4 + PUBKEY_SIZE + U32_SIZE,
seeds = [
&((case.latest_version_id + 1).to_le_bytes())
pub version: Account<'info, Version>,
pub authority: Signer<'info>,
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
using this account here:
pub fn create_version(
ctx: Context<CreateVersion>,
token_name: String,
token_ticker: String,
token_image: String,
token_total_supply: u64,
token_address: Pubkey,
case_id: u32,
) -> Result<()> {
let case_account = &mut;
let version_account = &mut ctx.accounts.version;
msg!("Current latest_version_id: {}", case_account.latest_version_id);
// Use the current version ID for seed generation
let current_version_id = case_account.latest_version_id;
// Initialize the version account with the current version ID = current_version_id + 1; // This version is (latest_version_id + 1)
version_account.token_name = token_name;
version_account.token_ticker = token_ticker;
version_account.token_image = token_image;
version_account.token_total_supply = token_total_supply;
version_account.token_address = token_address;
version_account.case_id =;
version_account.authority = *ctx.accounts.authority.key;
// Increment case's version ID after the version account is created
case_account.latest_version_id += 1;
ts test code:
it("Creates a new version for the case", async () => {
// Fetch the case account first to get the latest_version_id
const caseAccount = await;
const latestVersionId = caseAccount.latestVersionId; // Fetch the current latest_version_id
// Increment the latest_version_id by 1, as per your seed logic
const nextVersionId = latestVersionId + 1;
const caseIdBytes = Buffer.alloc(4); // 4-byte buffer for storing u32
// Get PDA for the version account using the same seeds as in your program
const [versionPda, _] = await anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
caseIdBytes, // This represents latest_version_id + 1
versionPDA = versionPda;
const tx = await program.methods
new anchor.BN(1000000), // Token supply
anchor.web3.PublicKey.default, // Sample token address
caseId // Pass the correct case ID here
case: casePDA,
version: versionPDA,
authority: provider.wallet.publicKey,
systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId,
console.log("Version created, transaction signature:", tx);
if i run this test script for this smart contract, i will keep getting this error (have tried many times of solana playground as well, getting the same result):
Error: AnchorError caused by account: case. Error Code: ConstraintSeeds. Error Number: 2006. Error Message: A seeds constraint was violated. Program log: Left: Program log: DwrMGrFJU4NsbWJtwJq1CiXjGEQdDJMkTq5aUzViGPaM Program log: Right: Program log: 2cMtTZpmGB82ssPEdGH7orQoH9bB7Z8R8c6u1YpMYEiH