I am trying to update NFT metadata using mpl-token-metadata 5.1.0. But I can't find the function like update_metadata_accounts_v2() in docs. I am using anchor version 0.29.0, Solana-cli 1.18.16, mpl-token-metadata 5.1.0. Where can I get resource for this work? Thank you.

1 Answer 1


You can check out all available instructions in the docs, via https://docs.rs/mpl-token-metadata/latest/mpl_token_metadata/instructions/index.html

In particular, you are interested in the UpdateAsUpdateAuthorityV2 instruction builder

 pub fn update_metadata(
        ctx: Context<UpdateMetadata>,
        name: String,
        symbol: String,
        uri: String,
        seller_fee_basis_points: u16,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let data = Data {
            creators: None, //! update with creators if needed



Accounts required for this

pub struct UpdateMetadata<'info> {
    pub authority: Signer<'info>,

    pub mint: Account<'info, Mint>,

    /// CHECK:
    pub metadata_account: Account<'info, MetadataAccount>,

    pub metadata_program: Program<'info, Metadata>,
    pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
    /// CHECK: ok
    pub sysvar_instruction: UncheckedAccount<'info>,

ref: https://docs.rs/mpl-token-metadata/latest/mpl_token_metadata/instructions/struct.UpdateAsUpdateAuthorityV2CpiBuilder.html

edit: removed data being passed in as struct and using parameters defined in the Data struct

  • Thank you for your kind explanation. But, I wanna update NFT metadata uri. Could you let me know about this part? Commented Nov 25 at 13:19
  • updated my answer
    – Jimii
    Commented Nov 25 at 14:10
  • But there is also bug in accounts context. Could you let me know about the sysvar_instruction? Commented Nov 26 at 9:07
  • sysvar are read-only accounts that give us information about the network. instructions sysvar contain the serialized instructions in a Message while that Message is being processed, ref from docs
    – Jimii
    Commented Nov 26 at 10:14
  • Thanks for your kind help. Commented Nov 27 at 13:00

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