I keep getting this error when trying to import fs to get my idl: Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs'


const { readFileSync } = require("fs"); 

export class BigBazaar {
    readonly connection: Connection,
    readonly anchorWallet: AnchorWallet,
    readonly userKeypair = (anchorWallet as NodeWallet).payer,
    readonly userPubKey: PublicKey | null = anchorWallet.publicKey,
    readonly provider = setProvider(
      new AnchorProvider(connection, anchorWallet, {})
    readonly idl: Idl = JSON.parse(
      readFileSync("../idl/BigBazaar_IDL_Devnet.json", "utf-8")
    readonly programId: string = idl.metadata.address,
    readonly program = new Program(idl, programId)
  ) {}
  • Are you running your code in the browser?
    – C.OG
    Commented Aug 12, 2022 at 18:55
  • @C.OG yeha i am. Ive tried changing the next config and getStaticProps and they didn't work, or I did them wrong
    – incog
    Commented Aug 12, 2022 at 19:18

1 Answer 1


The fs module doesn't exist in the browser, it's a built-in node module for reading from the file system.

Instead, try to import the file.

import idl from "../idl/BigBazaar_IDL_Devnet.json";

export class BigBazaar {
    readonly connection: Connection,
    readonly anchorWallet: AnchorWallet,
    readonly userKeypair = (anchorWallet as NodeWallet).payer,
    readonly userPubKey: PublicKey | null = anchorWallet.publicKey,
    readonly provider = setProvider(
      new AnchorProvider(connection, anchorWallet, {})
    readonly idl: Idl = idl,

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