I'm just beginning with anchor by init new project but every derived trait causes a warning like so. It's said: "proc macro declare_id not expanded: crate has not (yet) been built".

annoying warnning1

2 Answers 2


Gm fam.

Here is a link to the problem: https://fasterthanli.me/articles/proc-macro-support-in-rust-analyzer-for-nightly-rustc-versions

Solution 1)

Add to your rust-analyzer extension settings.json the following line.

"rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled": ["unresolved-proc-macro"]

If you don't know how to get to your extension's setting's .json, go to rust-analyzer's extension settings, top right click the icon that looks like a paper with an arrow. now add the line above.

Solution 2)

Add the following line instead of solution 1:

"rust-analyzer.diagnostics.enable": false,

This is not recommended as it'll disable all diagnostics.


Seems like the required crate isn't installed yet.

Try running cargo run or cargo build

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