Hey I am working on a product that helps users analyze their solana transactions for tax purposes. I am wondering if there is a reliable way to tell who is the sender/from and who is the receiver/to in a transaction. I am thinking the easiest way to do this would be to look at the changes in the postBalance/preBalance and postTokenBalance/preTokenBalance, but is there another way like analyzing the instructions? What would be the ideal way to reliably get this information?
1 Answer
in transaction.message
you can find accountKeys
those are the accounts for the postBalance
and preBalance
in order. This means the first preBalance
and postBalance
are for the first account
in accountKeys
doing this in rust, but it's gonna be similar in typescript since they both invoke the Solana JSON RPC API.
account_keys: [
ParsedAccount {
pubkey: "9FunJaYzY97hcTNN95mAn8iEhXQjw9NpKDmng8NYLAbt",
writable: true,
signer: true
ParsedAccount {
pubkey: "CXFCTHyuhcJL3fiFR5eRochz4k9dwzZWfLMU7knzaCp",
writable: true,
signer: false
Yes that makes sense so basically the change in balance (post - pre) that is positive is the receiver and the change in balance that is the negative is the sender? Commented Aug 31, 2022 at 17:11