Something seems to be wrong with the anchor-spl crate (v0.25.0). When I add the following dependencies to my anchor project it breaks the build:
anchor-lang = "0.25.0"
anchor-spl = "0.25.0"
solana-program-test = "=1.10.38"
Throwing the following error:
error: failed to select a version for `spl-associated-token-account`.
... required by package `anchor-spl v0.25.0`
... which satisfies dependency `anchor-spl = "^0.25.0"` of package `my_project v0.1.0 (/Users/my_local/my_project/programs/sol_games)`
versions that meet the requirements `~1.0.3` are: 1.0.5, 1.0.3
all possible versions conflict with previously selected packages.
previously selected package `spl-associated-token-account v1.1.1`
... which satisfies dependency `spl-associated-token-account = "=1.1.1"` of package `solana-transaction-status v1.10.38`
... which satisfies dependency `solana-transaction-status = "=1.10.38"` of package `solana-client v1.10.38`
... which satisfies dependency `solana-client = "=1.10.38"` of package `solana-banks-server v1.10.38`
... which satisfies dependency `solana-banks-server = "=1.10.38"` of package `solana-program-test v1.10.38`
... which satisfies dependency `solana-program-test = "=1.10.38"` of package `my_project v0.1.0 (/Users/my_local/my_project/programs/sol_games)`
failed to select a version for `spl-associated-token-account` which could resolve this conflict
I have tried adding spl-associated-token-account = "1.0.5"
to the dependencies but it also break the build. Any idea how to fix this?