I'm using the solana-transaction-status crate and want to inspect the inner instructions of a given transaction in rust.

I can fetch the transaction data using the RPC and I get a EncodedConfirmedTransactionWithStatusMeta object. I try to access the inner instructions using:

let inner_instructions = encoded_tx

This gives me an object of type OptionSerializer<Vec<UiInnerInstructions>>. The issue is that I have no idea how to access and traverse the inner Vec<UiInnerInstructions>. The API reference for the type doesn't seem to have an answer either: https://docs.rs/solana-transaction-status/1.14.7/solana_transaction_status/option_serializer/enum.OptionSerializer.html#method.skip

Any help would be appreciated

1 Answer 1


You were very close! OptionSerializer implements From on Option: https://docs.rs/solana-transaction-status/1.14.7/solana_transaction_status/option_serializer/enum.OptionSerializer.html#impl-From%3COptionSerializer%3CT%3E%3E-for-Option%3CT%3E

So you can do something like:

let inner_instructions: Option<Vec<UiInnerInstructions>> = encoded_tx

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