What information would I put in a Metaplex programmable NFT's json if I wanted to make a music nft? Where should I put the link to the mp3 file and what can I leave unfilled out?
I have a current implementation based on these docs: https://docs.metaplex.com/programs/token-metadata/token-standard#token-standards
Here's what I have right now with some questions commented for specific fields:
"name": "song name",
"symbol": "SONGSYMBOL",
"description": "song genre, posting date, etc.",
"image": "URI to image",
"animation_url": "URI to asset's animation", // what's this?
"external_url": "URI to external URL defininig asset", // Would this just be a URL to my website?
"attributes": [],
"properties": {
"files": [
"uri": "https://www.arweave.net/abcd5678?ext=png", // what's the difference between this image and teh image above?
"type": "image/png"
"uri": "https://watch.videodelivery.net/9876jkl", // what is this?
"type": "unknown",
"cdn": true
"uri": "https://www.arweave.net/efgh1234?ext=mp4", // what would I replace this with to make it an mp3?
"type": "video/mp4"
"category": "video",