The solders code seems a bit raw currently. There seems to be instructions only for SystemProgram
I'm not sure what are the other design ideas being but Solana clients For transferring SOL you need to create an instruction of the SystemProgram
, place it to a transaction, sign it (if needed, signature of the wallet could be added automatically, not sure though how it is here) and send it to network.
Based on the documentation I tried like this
import json
import requests
import json
from solana.rpc.api import Client
from solders.message import Message # type: ignore
from solders.transaction import Transaction # type: ignore
from solders.system_program import transfer, TransferParams
from solders.pubkey import Pubkey as PublicKey # type: ignore
from solders.keypair import Keypair # type: ignore
from solders.hash import Hash # type: ignore
from solders.commitment_config import CommitmentLevel # type: ignore
from solders.rpc.config import RpcSendTransactionConfig # type: ignore
from solders.rpc.requests import SendLegacyTransaction # type: ignore
SOL_TO_LAMPORTS = 1000000000
to = PublicKey.from_string("7xUpLb33Bp3yGKVsARWzAQiYanXL1ujx3136qoJCLWXN")
instruction = transfer(
from_pubkey = loaded_keypair.pubkey(),
to_pubkey = PublicKey.from_string("<some_pubkey_base58"),
lamports = SOL_TO_LAMPORTS
# solana api to get recent blockhash
solana_client = Client(args.rpc, timeout=30)
recent_blockhash = solana_client.get_recent_blockhash()
blockhash = Hash.from_string(recent_blockhash['result']['value']['blockhash'])
message = Message([instruction], loaded_keypair.pubkey())
tx = Transaction([loaded_keypair], message, blockhash)
commitment = CommitmentLevel.Confirmed
config = RpcSendTransactionConfig(preflight_commitment=commitment)
req = SendLegacyTransaction(tx, config)
as_json = req.to_json() # as_json returns a string not a json
print('sending', SOL_TO_LAMPORTS, 'to', to)
res =, json=json.loads(as_json))
For sending there seems not being a direct integration to solana.rpc.api.Client
and the transaction can be get as a JSON to be sent via HTTP request.