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Anchor Testing Workflow? [closed]

How do you guys go about testing? Seems like program unit tests should be standard rust tests with cargo test. There are some program tests that are run with cargo test-bpf. Then test deployment, ...
Robbing Blocks's user avatar
5 votes
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PDA Anchor Test: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: Cross-program invocation with unauthorized signer or writable account

I was playing around with PDA's in anchor, but I'm having problems writing tests for it. When I try to use anchor's worspace to create a transaction I get the error: Error: failed to send transaction: ...
JoshChang's user avatar
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What is the more up to date way of waiting for a transaction?

When the following code is used during testing, I get the following warning: [tsserver 6387] [I] The signature '(strategy: string, commitment?: Commitment): Promise<RpcResponseAndContext<...
TovarishFin's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the commonly accepted way to test using multiple users (signers) when testing anchor programs? [closed]

I was following along in this tutorial and found this user's approach. Is there a better way to do this?
TovarishFin's user avatar