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Is there an API that can identify a Solana NFT token ID / mint address from the NFT title?

We are looking to retrieve the image of individual Solana NFTs in the simplest way possible, without the need for a user to connect their wallet. On EVM chains this is easy, because the token ID is ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Solana equivalent to for Web3 loyalty program?

I am volunteering for a major presidential campaign. The campaign is considering using NFTs as rewards to incentivize donations and engagement. I am exploring platforms that offer community management,...
johnslade.sol's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to mint Solana NFT?

Is there any API I can use which can be used without the need for onchain programs?
Irwing Tello's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is there a Solana NFT API to get NFT metadata on Solana?

Hi I'm new to the Solana ecosystem, and I don't know where I can start, any help is appreciated Irwing Tello
Irwing Tello's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

minting cNFTs with Solana Pay QR code

I'm trying to create a qr code so people can scan it and mint a cNFT. I'm using a transaction request as shown in the Solana Pay docs and using Metaplex Bubblegum for state compression. This is on ...
ritchbeau's user avatar