Questions tagged [metaplex]

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how to mint compressed NFT using bubblegum inside solana program (rust)

I'm going to write a solana program (rust, probably anchor) which mints NFTs to a collection using Bubblegum standard. I noticed most guide use JS/TS to mint cNFTs with bubblegum, but I need to do ...
cablespecific's user avatar
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Where to add setComputeUnitLimit and setComputeUnitPrice so we can adjust fees?

as you know solana Congestion has happened for days now, and i can't get anything trough. I was trying to do a metadata initialization and update, but it keeps failing. i'm a newbie, did a bit of ...
Martin Delagoncey's user avatar
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How to specify the amount to be minted and total supply in "createAndMint(...)"?

Fungible tokens The createAndMint(...) function accepts the parameter amount. This is an amount of tokens to be minted immediately, right? Then how to specify the total supply?
barugaggi's user avatar
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spl-token Metaplex adding metadata issues

can anyone help with this error. happens after i try run my javascript that i compiled from typescript, to add metadata to my existing solana token. bigint: Failed to load bindings, pure JS will be ...
bigjohn's user avatar
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NFT Collections with Token22

Is it possible to create verified collections with token22 and not metaplex? I could add a collection address in the token extensions metadata, but is there anything preventing someone else creating ...
Boris Gotz's user avatar
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About composable metadata standard in one dapp

Can we use umi and mpltokenmetadata lib same time in one solana transaction
Shivam Soni's user avatar
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Are there any specific method get all Nfts by their GroupPointer of `findAllByUpdateAuthority` in the SPL-token 2022?

I'm trying to find all the nft from a same group for a newly created SPL-token-2022 nfts. Previously doing that with metaplex was easy, But now i'm using the new standards.
Abhishek Faliya's user avatar
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sending a cNFT with canopy depth of 0: Transaction too large

I am trying to send a compressed NFT with a canopy depth of 0, meaning i have to submit a proofpath with a 24 key length. This always gives me a transaction too large error. Is there a way to optimize ...
Juan Ruiz de Bustillo Ohngemac's user avatar
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How can I add metadata to an existing fungible token? [duplicate]

I have an existing token mint created with the createMint() from "@solana/spl-token" How can I add metadata to the fungible token? The Metaplex docs cover creating a new fungible token from ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
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Cnft collection token documentation

I am trying to mint cnfts one by one (no usermint on candy machine) using bublegum and umi and I want them to be part of a collection. There is documentation about creating tree and how to mint cnft ...
Bud Loaded Frogs's user avatar
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Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 3: An account required by the instruction is missing

I am trying to create a Fungible SPL-2022 token with metaplex. I believe I'm missing some key piece of the puzzle here so help would be appreciated. My pseudo-code looks like this: import useUmi from '...
turkeyman84's user avatar
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How to create a spl22 token?

it creates a token, the transaction is executed. But in the end the token does not appear in the wallet, why? What have I done wrong? wallet, connection, name, symbol, decimals, ...
JackSparrow's user avatar
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Can't lock nft after delegating using metaplex

According to metaplex docs here :, I first use the approve function to select a delegated authority. The function works as expected and here I ...
Ilker Kadir Ozturk's user avatar
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Keep failing minting NFT with Candy Machine V2

We use Python to mint NFTs. python solana. Our last minting was in January 2023, but when we tried to mint again now, we confirmed in solscan that mpl was failing. Program returned error: custom ...
ssssoooooo's user avatar
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Why does Metaplex official doc omit many details about its token standards in Metadata account?

Right now in March 2024, I can read the official doc of token standards here. The doc says a lot about the fields in the JSON-formatted Metadata account, like name, symbol, description, image, etc. ...
Yan's user avatar
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Is $WIF an NFT or a spl token?

I was looking at $WIF on the block explorers with the goal of determining whether it has a fixed supply, normally I thought block explorers would mention the mint/freeze authority and such, however I ...
wifexplorer's user avatar
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uploading metadata using React

Facing an issue while uploading the metadata from React. const metaplex = Metaplex.make(connection) .use(walletAdapterIdentity(wallet.adapter)) .use( bundlrStorage({ address: &...
Maidi's user avatar
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Assigning Metadata to Fungible SPL Tokens?

Hello Solana community, I'm facing issues assigning metadata (name, ticker, image) to a standard SPL token on the devnet. I've tried the following without success: Metaboss @metaplex/js ; @metaplex-...
Meme Bullion's user avatar
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How can I mint a cNFT by web3 js?

I have a js function that mint an NFT by providing some parameters (image, name, symbol, etc). This is my current version of function: async function createNFT(connection, privateKey, nftSymbol, ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
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Candy Machine mintV2 - Error: failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed - Incorrect collection NFT authority

I have Created following candy machine, fetching and adding items, everything works as expected: let collection = await createNft(umi, { mint: collectionMint, authority: collectionUpdateAuthority,...
omairhasan17's user avatar
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Hot to read Compressed NFT (bubblegum) on-chain

I need to read Compressed NFT (bubblegum) to check NFT owner on-chain. Do I need to get leaf owner from merkle tree? Can you show me how to do in rust program?
Peter Ferriman's user avatar
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Metaplex - Attempt to debit an account but found no record of a prior credit

I'm really strugling to much on this one as I don't understand my error. My goal is to imput metadata on my token thx to Metaplex and here is my code : import {Collection, ...
TrashCola's user avatar
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How to revoke mint and freeze authority on mpl token with solana cli

I need a bit of help with a umi project I made. I created a token like this, import { percentAmount, generateSigner, signerIdentity, createSignerFromKeypair } from "@Metaplex-foundation/umi";...
johnny's user avatar
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Best way to fetch metaplex token metadata

In a NextJS app. Say I enable a user to created a basic token using the @metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata library with some metadata like name, symbol, decimal, uri etc... And I also enable the ...
Dmitry Sky's user avatar
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spl-token library failing to fetch rent exemption minumum?

I'm working with the @solana/spl-token lib, and when running createMint, I keep getting hit with TypeError: fetch failed. I have narrowed this down to the getMinimumBalanceForRentExemptMint function ...
Morgandril's user avatar
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NFTs on anchor tests

I'm trying to use this guide to create an NFT to test with my anchor program. When I attempt to mint the NFT, I am met with the following error. FailedToSendTransactionError: The transaction could not ...
Morgandril's user avatar
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Where is the `` file?

I'm trying to use Metaplex Amman to run a local solana validator that has the Token Metadata program preloaded. I need this to create a token. At least I think I do. Every example I look at, no one is ...
jakerumbles's user avatar
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NFTs and Anchor in 2024

In 2024, how does one go about creating a collection and minting NFTs through an anchor contract? all docs seem to be old and often deprecated. all help is appreciated.
Morgandril's user avatar
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standard SPL token transfer fns for wrapper

I'm creating a custom NFT program and SPL token (2 token programs). I need to add additional logic so I am creating a wrapper around the existing SPL token functions. Do I need to add wrappers for ...
AceGravity's user avatar
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Why won't solscan display the metadata on this token?

Token account: Add metadata:
octagon_q's user avatar
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How to transfer "frozen" NFT on another wallet using Phantom?

I can't send NFTs that have state - frozen. I get an error that the account is frozen or a signature error. How do I do it? I read that I should try to send them through Metaplex somehow. But I have ...
Adrew Token's user avatar
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How to get Token 2022 Program metadata?

Everything works for tokens with Token Program (TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA). import * as solWeb3 from '@solana/web3.js'; import { Metaplex } from '@metaplex-foundation/js'; const ...
bossikkk's user avatar
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How to transfer frozen NFT's

I've got a problem. I can't send NFT in my JS code, or rather include in transaction token NFT account which has state - frozen. How can I unfreeze it? I've seen an example that I need to use Metaplex....
Adrew Token's user avatar
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How to burn LP token using Metaplex

How do i burn lp token using metaplex burnv1? This is giving me the error "incorrect account owner" const umi = createUmi(RPC_ENDPOINT).use(walletAdapterIdentity(wallet)).use(...
bicced's user avatar
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How can an NFT Creator Sign a transfer to a Buyer if they are not present?

I have built a POC platform where a 'Creator' can create NFT's (Master Editions) and mint Print Editions for sale. Currently if you want to 'Buy' the NFT and transfer it to the Buyer, 2 signers are ...
Simon Thomas's user avatar
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cnft : setAndVerifyCollection : Transaction too large

i'm trying to set and verify a collection for a compressed nft already minted. i'm using the exact same code as written in the docs : ...
Effe2's user avatar
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update Authority error

i have made an nft collection through candy machine i am trying to mint an nft in my rust code and trying to mint to that same collection but i am getting an error saying wrong update authority.while ...
MohammadTalha's user avatar
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NFT Minting failing on Localhost / MPL Metadata (solana-test-validator with meta clone)

I'm running a local test validator via: solana-test-validator --ledger=".anchor/test-ledger" --clone="metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s" --url="https://api.mainnet-...
Simon Thomas's user avatar
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Problem with token image

I'm new to solana blockchain development and I was trying my hand at creating a custom token on the devnet but I've been stuck for about a week now. When I mint my token, the name and symbol as well ...
johnny's user avatar
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Unable to configure signer for delegate using walletAdapterIdentity (metaplex UMI)

Getting an error publicKey.toBase58 is not a function when calling delegateStaingV1 I've spent quite some time making sure my UMI instance is setup correctly to use the walletAdapterIdentity plugin ...
Gstax's user avatar
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Signing a transaction on the client side with walletAdapterIdentity plugin, but getting an error

Im trying to sign a transaction on the client side with walletAdapterIdentity plugin, but I'm getting the error: TypeError: wallet.signTransaction is not a function Its strange because ...
Gstax's user avatar
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pNFT delegate via metaplex umi

I'm trying to build a tx for the client to sign that will delegate the pNFT to a new address. I am using Metaplex's Umi and the walletAdapterIdentity plugin. I'm getting an error when I try to run my ...
Gstax's user avatar
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Using createMetadataAccountV3

I am trying to add metadata to my token, so I wrote the following function: import {clusterApiUrl} from "@solana/web3.js"; import {createUmi} from "@metaplex-foundation/umi-bundle-...
Udi Hakim's user avatar
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Add freeze/lock authority for NFTs created with candy machine

I am trying to create an NFT with Candy machine using candy machine npm library. I want to set the freeze authority to the creator of the NFT to allow the NFT creator to disable transfer ...
Tahlil's user avatar
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Using Metaplex mpl-token-metadata program can I restrict minting to a collection nft?

I am creating a Metaplex collection following this doc. I want to mint NFT and add to this collection. But I want to restrict who can add NFT to the collection NFT to a certain address. How can I ...
Tahlil's user avatar
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Transferring custom token to a phantom wallet

I'm just beginning as a solana blockchain developer and I was just wondering, how can I transfer custom tokens on solana devnet to another wallet. It's been confusing me for a bit now.
johnny's user avatar
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Update Metaplex's token metadata - how to change the mutable parameter

I'm using the spl-token command line. What is the simplest way to change the token metadata (from the Metaplex Token Metadata program) and set mutable to false? Thanks!
David's user avatar
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`Invalid authority type` when trying to Lock an NFT I own via CPIBuilders on anchor

I am trying to call this instruction to lock an NFT. LockCpiBuilder::new(&ctx.accounts.metadata_program) .authority(&ctx.accounts.admin.to_account_info()) //authority ...
Jimii's user avatar
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Update mint & freeze authority for an NFT

This is the command I'm using to update the authority of my NFT at address 9ZgNKyB7qoqpEeMmQqxg9MNJASCb5S9rc2sLN7ZbZ9w8: spl-token authorize 9ZgNKyB7qoqpEeMmQqxg9MNJASCb5S9rc2sLN7ZbZ9w8 mint ...
Sunidhi Singh's user avatar
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Token22 create/update metadata using metaplex

The token was created using the Token22 program and the metadata was added directly to the mint account as described in the documentation: Because ...
spl-token22's user avatar

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