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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'size')

I want to use idl for the backend, but when initializing it there are some errors, I really tried many ways but can't fix it, thank you everyone for your help. code import { Sleep } from "./Sleep&...
Hiderr Kamado's user avatar
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anchor build not working for my project [duplicate]

error: not a directory: '/Users/macbook/.local/share/solana/install/releases/1.18.18/solana-release/bin/sdk/sbf/dependencies/platform-tools/rust/bin' The error above is what i get when i run anchor ...
Enya Emmanuel's user avatar
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Instruction references an unknown account FeBFCyJ26WxmN61bnXB2CyxFaUV2PzGwvqerCJcT5sC4

I have a Rust Anchor program for swapping SPL Tokens. It has three methods: Make, refund and take. Also I have a Next.js frontend app. I want to integrate this Rust Anchor program with Next.js app. ...
Barış Yenigün's user avatar
2 votes
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src.toArrayLike is not a function

I am trying to do a dapp on Solona with Next.js and Ancor. I am getting that error Here is my program setup const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");...
Berkay Çırak's user avatar
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Errors when using `@project-serum/anchor` with Next.js v14 using Webpack 5

I am sharing my useWalletHook.tsx file: "use client"; import { Program, AnchorProvider } from "@project-serum/anchor"; import { useConnection, useWallet as useAdapterWallet, ...
sanjeet kumar's user avatar