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3 answers

Close PDA account dynamically and conditionally in secure way

I want to close the PDA account only on specif condition. Macro [account(mut, close = <target_account>)] does not work in this case because it will always be triggered after instruction ...
Void's user avatar
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What is the real danger of allowing non-canonical bump PDAs?

I was reading this article by the Sec3 folks about how it was dangerous to accept non-canonical bump PDAs in your program since someone can fake one. How exactly would someone create a fake non-...
Richard's user avatar
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What stops malicious clients from using PDAs in a series of CPIs with anchor?

Let's say we have a series of programs (A -> B -> C) and each one uses PDAs for which the user public keys are used as the seeds. If a normal user calls ProgramA I think this is safe because the ...
kyle's user avatar
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