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Questions tagged [query]

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3 votes
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Query pubkeys that reference lookup table

Is there a way, and if so how would one go about querying for all pubkeys that reference a specific lookup table for a transaction? Ex:
jnan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Querying mint accounts which an account has mint authority over

is it possible to query all the mint accounts an account has mint authority over? not token accounts owned by the address, just mint accounts - which the account might or might not hold minted tokens ...
soulninja dev's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Querying historical transaction data from Solana

I am very new to the Solana blockchain being more familiar with Ethereum. I have a requirement to retrieve all transactions for specified addresses from the Solana blockchain and then store them into ...
RickD's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

getting error on communication between solana-test-validator and solana balance

Hi All, After running solana-test-validator on arch linux, I tried to test solana balance which is showing following error. Error: RPC request error: cluster version query failed: error sending ...
sanjeet kumar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Metadata gathering Script for Metaplex using React, need help

I've been trying to build a simple script that pulls the metadata from Metaplex NFTs using the React code below: import { Metaplex } from "@metaplex-foundation/js"; import { Connection, ...
Gamma1's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to query Metaplex token metadata?

I was wondering if there was a way to get the metadata for NFT tokens minted through the Metaplex standard? I was able to find the data for Solana fungible tokens using the code listed below and I ...
Gamma1's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I get all NFTs for a wallet without using metaplex-foundation/js

Given the public key of a wallet, how would one get all the NFTs owned by this wallet, without using the metaplex-foundation/js package? The reason I don't want to use metaplex's library is because ...
Théo Pomies's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are there any indexing solutions for Solana [closed]

Are there any indexers for the Solana blockchain, and what are the main differences between them?
RowanStone's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Can an RPC node maintain an index of accounts per a certain query?

For example, the getProgramAccounts RPC method allows one to query accounts. There are two parameters in particular which I think could be useful here: program-id memcap, which refers to a byte ...
agrippa's user avatar
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