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Wallet tracking trouble

I have successfully tracked my wallet balances, and subscribed to the transaction tracking. I keep getting the following error message when I make a transaction on the wallet. Subscribed to wallet ...
Proowy's user avatar
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Hello I have trouble creating a balance tracker for solana

The problem This is the code that I am working with. It's supposed to track my wallet balances on Solana, SOL and Memecoins/SPL tokens included. The code works only partially, it writes out my SOL ...
Proowy's user avatar
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How to get wallet balance From SOLANA?

import { useWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { Connection, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; const Hero = () => { const ...
Kamil Barwiński's user avatar
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Solana getBalance() fetch failed on AWS Lambda

As the title suggests, I need to make an AWS Lambda function which retrieves an account balance. Tha problem is that it often throws the error: INFO Error: failed to get balance of account ...
Francesco's user avatar
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What does double dererefence ** do in anchor project?

This is how we write code to add fund to a user in anchor solana project: **user.to_account_info().try_borrow_mut_lamports()?+=amount; Why is the "**" operator used here?
Yilmaz's user avatar
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unable to fetch balance changes Solana Wallet Adaptor

On minting single or two NFTs phantom wallet shows the balance that will be detected before signing Tx but on multiple mint more than 2, it will show msg "unable to fetch balance changes" ...
Abdullah Qureshi's user avatar