I'm creating NFT using metaplex library in Javascript. I need to enforce royalty on my NFT but can't find any resource that explains how to achieve this. Can someone help find a solution?
This a the function I wrote that creates an NFT:
async function createNFT(connection, privateKey, nftSymbol, nftName, description, imagePath, imageType, imageName, attributes, collection, creators) {
const secret = bs58.decode(privateKey)
const fromWallet = web3.Keypair.fromSecretKey(new Uint8Array(secret));
const MPX = Metaplex.Metaplex.make(connection).use(Metaplex.keypairIdentity(fromWallet)).use(
address: 'https://devnet.bundlr.network',
timeout: 60000,
const imageBuffer = fs.readFileSync(imagePath);
const imageMetaplexFile = Metaplex.toMetaplexFile(imageBuffer, imageName);
const imageUri = await MPX.storage().upload(imageMetaplexFile);
console.log("image uri:", imageUri);
const metadataUri = await MPX.nfts().uploadMetadata({
name: nftName, description: description,
image: imageUri,
attributes: attributes,
properties: {
// creators: creators,
files: [
type: imageType,
uri: imageUri,
collection: collection
if (creators == null || creators.length == 0) {
creators = [
{address: fromWallet.publicKey, share: 100}
} else {
creators = creators.map((c) => ({ address: new web3.PublicKey(c.address), share: c.share }))
const generatedNft = await MPX.nfts().create({
uri: metadataUri.uri,
name: nftName,
symbol: nftSymbol,
sellerFeeBasisPoints: 500,
creators: creators,
isMutable: true,
isCollection: true,
return generatedNft;