You've created a wallet feature using the Web3js SDK. I created functions related to Solana and SPL-token retrieval and transfer and used them well. However, recently I am getting an error when transferring SPL-tokens. I tried various methods to fix the error, but it was not possible to fix the error. Below is the Javascript code I used before and the code I have modified now. Do any of these codes require additional settings or other methods to fix the error? Or is this a bug in the Solana node network? **old code** const myMint = new solanaWeb3.PublicKey(req.query.contract); const myToken = new splToken.Token( conn, myMint, splToken.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, fromWallet ); let toWallet = new solanaWeb3.PublicKey(; const fromTokenAccount = await myToken.getOrCreateAssociatedAccountInfo( fromWallet.publicKey ); const toTokenAccount = await myToken.getOrCreateAssociatedAccountInfo( toWallet ); amount = req.query.amount * Math.pow(10, 8) // Add token transfer instructions to transaction const transaction = new solanaWeb3.Transaction() .add( splToken.Token.createTransferInstruction( splToken.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, fromTokenAccount.address, toTokenAccount.address, fromWallet.publicKey, [], amount ) ); // Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm const signature = await solanaWeb3.sendAndConfirmTransaction( conn, transaction, [fromWallet] , { commitment: 'confirmed', skipPreflight: true} ); **new code1** const modifyComputeUnits = solanaWeb3.ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitLimit({ units: 300_000 }); const addPriorityFee = solanaWeb3.ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitPrice({ microLamports: 10 }); let latestBlockhash = await conn.getLatestBlockhash("confirmed"); const transaction = new solanaWeb3.Transaction({ feePayer : fromWallet.publicKey , blockhash: latestBlockhash.blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight: latestBlockhash.lastValidBlockHeight }) .add(modifyComputeUnits) .add(addPriorityFee) .add( splToken.Token.createTransferInstruction( splToken.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, fromTokenAccount.address, toTokenAccount.address, fromWallet.publicKey, [], amount ) ); const transactionSignature = await solanaWeb3.sendAndConfirmTransaction( conn, transaction, [fromWallet] , { commitment: 'confirmed', skipPreflight: true} ); **new code2** let latestBlockhash = await conn.getLatestBlockhash("confirmed"); const transaction = new solanaWeb3.Transaction({ feePayer : fromWallet.publicKey , blockhash: latestBlockhash.blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight: latestBlockhash.lastValidBlockHeight, }) .add(modifyComputeUnits) .add(addPriorityFee) .add( splToken.Token.createTransferInstruction( splToken.TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, fromTokenAccount.address, toTokenAccount.address, fromWallet.publicKey, [], amount ) ); const message = transaction.serializeMessage(); const signature = nacl.sign.detached(message, fromWallet.secretKey); transaction.addSignature(fromWallet.publicKey, Buffer.from(signature)); const transactionSignature = await conn.sendRawTransaction( transaction.serialize(), { commitment: 'confirmed', skipPreflight: true , maxRetries: 150 } ); const latestBlockHash = await conn.getLatestBlockhash(); const tx = await conn.confirmTransaction(transactionSignature, { blockhash: latestBlockHash.blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight: latestBlockHash.lastValidBlockHeight, commitment: 'confirmed', skipPreflight: true , maxRetries: 150 }); Error Msg : TransactionExpiredBlockheightExceededError: Signature 53fgvUBnx9L57Xt3GcRqwUbQXNZmbCo6Vcu53UiFzHPoQHbPpDPNvpWcSJFday2heYU2QVpDLWUekZNotajRd4Lh has expired: block height exceeded.