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6 votes

Metaplex create() fails on localhost with: Attempt to load a program that does not exist

If you want to use localnet, you will need to load any already-existing programs, other than the Solana "native" programs (native programs include the token program, associated token program,...
pepeIKO's user avatar
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6 votes

Metaplex create() fails on localhost with: Attempt to load a program that does not exist

Answering my own question to help others. I'm not completely sure (because the Metaplex docs don't tell me, and other programs like SPL work on localhost) but Metaplex isn't available on localhost by ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the `bump` in a Program Derived Address?

I will refer to Solana web3.js but there is no difference with the metaplex SDK about the concept of PDAs. A PDA corresponds to 1 address + 1 bump. You can have different bumps for a given address. ...
mwrites's user avatar
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4 votes

Does each NFT for a wallet have a unique Associated Token Account?

The answer to your question is yes, a new ATA is created for any NFT that your wallet owns. The reason for this is that NFTs are unique tokens and thus have distinct mints. Just as the mint for a sol ...
Ademola's user avatar
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Metaplex Create NFT Error: Transfer: `from` must not carry data

The error means that the during the SOL transfer, the from pubkey, which is payer, is actually a data account, and not a simple SOL wallet. Maybe it's actually a token account? It looks like something ...
Jon C's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I store more data on-chain in an NFT?

The createMetadata() function from Candy Machine creates a metadata account using the NFT mint address. Similarly, you can create a PDA for your own NFT metadata. The PDA account should be indicated ...
Doublers Kay's user avatar
3 votes

Freeze NFT Account via Delegate Access

In This Section of the Code the tokenProgram is being passed wrong. createFreezeDelegatedAccountInstruction( { delegate: authorityWallet.publicKey, tokenAccount: accountAddress, edition, mint: ...
Pratik.js's user avatar
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Metaplex : How to distinguish fake nft from real one with right collection

There are 3 ways to tell if a NFT is real: The official collection has released a hashlist containing the address of every NFT in the collection. You know what is the first verified creator (it can ...
WrathionTBP's user avatar
3 votes

How to tell if NFT is frozen without test-sending?

here @solana/spl-tokensdk needs to be used after installing the sdk you have to import getAccount import { getAccount } from '@solana/spl-token'; after passing all the right parameter's this function ...
Pratik.js's user avatar
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What is the `bump` in a Program Derived Address?

Source reference for text + attached image: Highly recommend giving that website a look. "To understand the concept behind PDAs, ...
Rohan Kapur's user avatar
3 votes

Possible to add multiple approveDelegateAuthority() in the same transaction?

You can use builders in metaplex js library to get transaction builder and then convert it into transaction const latestBlockhash = await this.metaplex.connection.getLatestBlockhash(); const ...
Athar Mohd's user avatar
3 votes

Is it possible to fetch the delegate of a solana NFT/Token?

You can use the @solana/spl-token npm package to do it easily: import {getAccount} from '@solana/spl-token'; const connection = ...; // make your connection const accountAddress = ...; // get your ...
Jon C's user avatar
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3 votes

Not enough tokens to mint a limited edition

i checked the token account 8fE2n9puy46NnwyYiTBFL22749XEz1mxKFT4SGCRaLQY on Solana Explorer and it 0 try minting some token to the account u can do this using the Solana Cli spl-token mint <...
Saidu's user avatar
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3 votes

SPL + Metaplex JS SDK Cannot Mint NFT

Turns out using [email protected] was the issue. What I am trying to do is completely possible, after downgrading to current stable: 1.13.7 What lead me to figure this out, is I was unable to use a ...
Sky020's user avatar
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3 votes

mpl-token-metadata is breaks The React app

There seems to be something wrong with the application you are using. I just created a sample application that successfully imports createMetadataAccountV3 from @metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata....
beeman's user avatar
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3 votes

How to fetch all signatures for a given ata using UMI provider with mpl-toolbox plugin?

Unfortunately, Umi doesn't currently support these methods in its RpcInterface but, for now, you have the following options: Option 1: Use the catch-all method by passing the name of the ...
Loris Leiva's user avatar
2 votes

Load NFT instead of LazyNFT (Metaplex SDK)

Here is also an answer I just crafted today. Not the most optimal one but one that includes type const mx = Metaplex.make(connection); if (!data) { // find All nfts owned by an ...
Digital Dom's user avatar
2 votes

Importing '@metaplex-foundation/js' results in 'process is not defined' error

I eventually solved this adding a polyfill for process into my vite.config.ts define: { "process.env": process.env ?? {}, }, Here's my full vite.config.ts for reference: // https://vitejs....
mikemaccana's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get all nfts belonging to a collection on Solana?

One possible way Can go by collection member of the PDA too
Ohad Dahan's user avatar
2 votes

Holaplex Devnet GraphQL API?

we recently deployed a devnet endpoint as well. Feel free to try it out using the playground at:
mpw's user avatar
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2 votes

Query regrading updating sellerFeeBasisPoints

Thanks to a person in Metaplex discord server, found what I was doing wrong. As we can also update/remove/add collection to a NFT with that method, thus the method requires a collection to be set ...
Muhit Raihan's user avatar
2 votes

How can I fetch a NFT's token account (associated account)? If you have the mint key of an NFT, you can find its current owner by sneak-peeking at the largest token account for ...
john's user avatar
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2 votes

Do I have to verify all creators every time after creating an nft?

If you're using metaplex to create your NFT (metaplex.nfts().create()) then you can pass in the creators option with the authority field set as a Signer object (for each creator). This will set and ...
meditatingsloth's user avatar
2 votes

How to take off Discord Roles within minutes of NFT holders when they sold or transfer their nfts?

You have different options to track and verify wallets. E.g. you can either watch marketplace addresses, or ALL the wallets which contain your NFTs. If you actually want to do see those sales in ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
2 votes

How to retrieve all NFTs owned by a wallet

The Method that I would recommend is using the metaplex JS SDK. This example is ripped from Solana Cookbook. import { Metaplex, keypairIdentity } from "@metaplex-foundation/js"; import { ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
2 votes

How to flag inefficient funds Spl-tokens candy machine v3 metaplex js

There are a few ways to do this. Generally, you'll need to find the associated token account (the user's account that hold's the token, which is derived from the user's wallet address and the mint ...
AMilz's user avatar
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2 votes

Trouble when creating token for Buildspace core 5 final exercise

the instruction import { DataV2, createCreateMetadataAccountV2Instruction, } from "@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata"; does not exist anymore because, metaplex removed it in an attempt ...
Jonas H.'s user avatar
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How to self revoke delegate of a nft using revoke function of Metaplex?

Metaplex divides its many delegate variants into two classes: some are considered token delegates while the rest are considered metadata delegates. According to the metaplex docs, self-revoke only ...
Ademola's user avatar
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2 votes

Create SPL using Metaplex: Failed to serialize or deserialize account data: Unknown

I think the problem is that you're creating the mint account beforehand. The create_v1 instruction will create the mint account for you and if it does not exist, it will check if the account is of a ...
Serban's user avatar
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2 votes

Best way to get SPL tokens generated from site?

I am not sure about the layout of your dApp but one option would be to set up a wallet and add that wallet as a signer in the mint transaction. This will allow you to query all the transactions for ...
owen.sol's user avatar
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