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2 votes

Phantom mobile app fails silently when interacting with new Mobile Wallet Adapter?

After asking in discord about this, and with help I checked again and realized I was using devnet in the website but mainnet in phantom app,and that was perfectly working with Solflare as it seems ...
nicoeft's user avatar
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2 votes

Anchor programs not working in react native and expo environment [TypeError: b.readUIntLE is not a function (it is undefined)]

Spoke offline and found a temporary fix for this issue. Workaround is to downgrade your Anchor version (both Anchor CLI and @coral-xyz/anchor in your RN project) to <= v0.28.0. The root cause of ...
michaelsulistio's user avatar
1 vote


use npm package @solana/wallet-adapter-react, @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui
ashish0411's user avatar
1 vote

Why does my react web app break on mobile when trying to sign an off-chain message

The reason why this happens is because you most likely rely on useEffect to prompt a user to sign a message. Like so: useEffect(() => { if (wallet?.publicKey) signMessageAndSendToBackend(wallet?....
Josip Volarević's user avatar
1 vote

On mobile browsers how do I properly authorize and sign a message in a single wallet session

Detect if wallet adapter is a mobile one: === 'Mobile Wallet Adapter' and if it is use one of the two approaches: use 2 separate buttons - one for connecting the wallet (...
Josip Volarević's user avatar

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