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2 votes

#5 - token program: initialize account (program error: "incorrect program id") why

The error occurs because your token was created with the Token-2022 program, but Raydium or OpenBook only supports the standard Token Program (spl-token); you need to either create a new token using ...
Hawa Kallon's user avatar
1 vote

How to retrieve the update authority info with spl-token or metaplex foundation lib using javascript?

The spl Token lib cannot provide the update authority since it is related to metaplex token metadata. Please be aware that @metaplex-foundation/js is very outdated, deprecated and absolutely not ...
Mark Sackerberg's user avatar
1 vote

My Mint Authority for my memecoin was giving to Systems program 11111111111111111111111111111111,Can it be fixed?

The System Program is responsible to creating new accounts on Solana and owns all accounts on Solana. Since it's now the mint authority, you'd need it to sign so that you can get back this authority, ...
Jimii's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I make a token using Token Extensions Metadata in JavaScript/TypeScript?

I am answering my own question to help others. There's a example of creating a token using token extensions metadata in the Solana Labs repo. This has been turned into a helper in the @solana-...
mikemaccana's user avatar
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