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2 votes

Solana mobile sdk seed vault unauthorized

This could be for one of several reasons: Do you have the impl project installed? It provides the reference implementation of the Seed Vault APIs, which are consumed by the fakewallet app. One thing ...
Steven Laver's user avatar
2 votes


Your validation struct expects the following accounts: authority vault vault_heim_ata heim_mint vault_usdc_ata usdc_mint authority_heim_ata system_program token_program rent associated_token_program ...
neft's user avatar
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solana-farm-ctrl: command not found

It looks like solana-farm-ctrl isn't included in your path, which is why the shell can't find it. If you look at the Quick Start docs at
Jon C's user avatar
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Problem with initialize storage data (Solana program library)

The quick start guide is for mainnet and your router appears to be uploaded to devnet. I described a bit how to tune it for devnet here. But there might be other changes to configs that are needed. I'...
ASkibin's user avatar
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Deploying Vaults from solana-program-library

Unfortunately, not many liquidity protocols are fully available on devnet. Raydium, for example, only has a test Pool with PC and COIN tokens. So, you can't initialize a Vault for the Pool and Farm ...
ASkibin's user avatar
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Deploying Vaults from solana-program-library

Devnet and mainey are different and u have to create the pool again in mainnet And then u can use that account to interact
Nagaprasad Vr's user avatar

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