I've got a problem. I can't send NFT in my JS code, or rather include in transaction token NFT account which has state - frozen
. How can I unfreeze it? I've seen an example that I need to use Metaplex.
But can I add this to my main transaction, and then use already unfrozen token account and include it in TransferInstruction
? Or it's incorrect??
import { transferV1 } from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata'
let transaction = new solanaWeb3.Transaction();
const unfreeze = await transferV1(umi, {
authority: currentOwner,
tokenOwner: currentOwner.publicKey,
destinationOwner: newOwner.publicKey,
tokenStandard: TokenStandard.NonFungible,
Maybe Is there any other ways to unfreeze a token account? Thanks