
When I create a new account using the following two methods, there is no fund by default and cannot be transferred.

  1. use the @solana/web3.js
import { Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

const keypair = Keypair.generate();

console.log(`The public key is: `, keypair.publicKey.toBase58());

Error message:

      throw new SendTransactionError(

SendTransactionError: failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed: Transaction results in an account (1) with insufficient funds for rent
    at Connection.sendEncodedTransaction (D:\web3_code\solana_learn\node_modules\@solana\web3.js\src\connection.ts:5921:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at Connection.sendRawTransaction (D:\web3_code\solana_learn\node_modules\@solana\web3.js\src\connection.ts:5880:20)
    at Connection.sendTransaction (D:\web3_code\solana_learn\node_modules\@solana\web3.js\src\connection.ts:5868:12)
    at sendAndConfirmTransaction (D:\web3_code\solana_learn\node_modules\@solana\web3.js\src\utils\send-and-confirm-transaction.ts:35:21)    
    at <anonymous> (d:\web3_code\solana_learn\solanatransfer.ts:50:53) {
  logs: [
    'Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]',
    'Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 success'

Node.js v18.18.2
  1. use solana cli
solana-keygen new --force
solana transfer HV4egCuRfqnoGipQxVGRLLVRRfbmPH6EWdxKDKdyLktg 0.1

Error message:

Error: The recipient address (HV4egCuRfqnoGipQxVGRLLVRRfbmPH6EWdxKDKdyLktg) is not funded. Add `--allow-unfunded-recipient` to complete the transfer

Proposed Solution

  1. use solana cli
solana transfer --allow-unfunded-recipient 9w4egkmzj6Byop2iEA8ecP3m65zVn9ayNFFD1DNSdNPA 0.1 
  1. use the @solana/web3.js I don't know how to deal with this problem, like I don't know why the newly created account is unfunded and can't be transferred
  • Your first code block (web3js one) doesn't throw the error that you're showing after it. Please update your question to include the code that is actually throwing the error.
    – Callum M
    Commented Feb 26 at 14:26

1 Answer 1


Keypair generation does not create an account. You can even generate a keypair using pen and paper, but it does not mean that that will be published on blockchain.

Just airdrop some sols to create an account.

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