failed to start validator: Failed to create ledger at test-ledger: io error: Error checking to unpack genesis archive: Archive error: extra entry found: "._genesis.bin" Regular/failed to stash problematic rocksdb: Directory not empty (os error 66)

Getting error while running solana-test-validator on macOS:

I have tried this fix involving installing GNU tar

...but it's still not working

  • Are you trying to run "solana-test-validator" from within the program directory in your terminal? I made the same mistake and have received the same error before.
    – james
    Commented Feb 28 at 17:25
  • Are you trying to run "solana-test-validator" from within the program directory in your terminal? I made the same mistake and have received the same error before.
    – james
    Commented Feb 28 at 17:25
  • I'm getting the same error on an M1 mac running Sonoma 14.2.1, but my Intel mac running Sonoma 14.2.1 runs solana-test-validator just fine.
    – walkair
    Commented Feb 29 at 7:27
  • I have the same problem, I've follow this official article, how to install cli (docs.solanalabs.com/cli/install) But, I decided to download the latest stable version from their github github.com/solana-labs/solana CURRENT_VERSION: v1.17.31 So you need to install this version ``` sh -c "$(curl -sSfL release.solana.com/v1.17.31/install)" ``` or ``` sh -c "$(curl -sSfL release.solana.com/CURRENT_VERSION/install)" ```
    – avelex
    Commented May 3 at 10:51

2 Answers 2


Sounds like you might just need to delete the ledger directory and try again, ie:

rm -rf test-ledger

Had the same issue when I tried to run the solana-test-validator command in the project directory /path/to/cargo/project. As James pointed out in the comment to the original post, easiest workaround seems to be navigating to your home directory and running it there. I'm using MacOS Sonoma 14.0 and solana-test-validator 1.18.0

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