Hello Solana community

I have generated a solana keypair using the solana CLI: The command line:

solana-keygen new

It generated the secret 12-word mnemonic phrase (I am not going to share) and my public key which is 5EhxUF3eGXxbPATVEHdRUmVSYCb7wPM4Sb3TfHXiPbhB.

I was able to successfully use that keypair to make transactions using the solana SDK @solana/web3.js and I can see my transactions on solscan.io.

Now I am trying to import that solana keypair on wallet applications such as TrustWallet or Solfare or Phantom.

Each wallet application is asking me to enter my secret 12-word mnemonic phrase. But when I enter the secret phrase, the wallet derives a different public key which is FtsAJAhLd9qvorQSFby61Sar2Q1GrZ3QL4ibaRaPE6q6.

Can anyone recommend which wallet application to use to import my solana keypair.

The reason why I decided to generate my solana keypair using the solana CLI is because I could not extract the private key of my solana wallet from TrustWallet or Solfare. All I could get was the secret 12-word phrase. I tried to use the bip39 application to get my private key from the 12-word phrase, but I could not figure out which one was my solana private key.

Thanks for your time.

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1 Answer 1


Try using the using the solana-keygen new --no-outfile --derivation-path command this should work.

i faced a similar issue earlie this week, i will try to explain as i understood it this has something to do with Solana CLI using a slightly different derivation path for generating keypair to what wallets typically use. The Solana CLI uses the path m/44'/501' to generate a single "root key". This root key can then be used to derive further child keys for specific purposes.

On the other hand, most Solana wallets use the path m/44'/501'/0'/0'. This path generates a specific child key from the root key, providing a direct path to a usable keypair.

So when creating a keypair from CLI be sure to define the derivation pathnusing the solana-keygen new --no-outfile --derivation-path command

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