So when I build projects (new or old), I frequently see this error:
% anchor test
error: package `solana-program v1.18.12` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.75.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.72.0-dev
I know how to fix this error, but my question is: why is my system trying to build solana-program v1.18.12?
My versions:
% cargo build-sbf --version
solana-cargo-build-sbf 1.18.5
platform-tools v1.39
rustc 1.72.0
% solana -V
solana-cli 1.18.5
My system has 1.18.5 - where is '1.18.12' coming from?
published (and that 1.18.12 is the most recent version). So maybeanchor build
defaults to the newestsolana-program
that has been published?