From freeCodeCampWeb3's Solana curriculum, build-a-university-nft-certification project:

"getMintAccounts should return all mint accounts owned by the provided payer parameter"

export async function getMintAccounts({ payer }) {
  const mintAccounts = await connection.getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner(


  return mintAccounts.value.map(({ account }) => account);

For somewhat reason it returns an empty array. Performing a JSONRPC call using method of getProgramAccounts using the TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID shows an account with a pubkey value corresponding to the newly created mint.

1 Answer 1

import { Connection, GetProgramAccountsFilter } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from "@solana/spl-token";

const rpcEndpoint = 'https://example.solana-mainnet.quiknode.pro/000000/';
const solanaConnection = new Connection(rpcEndpoint);

const walletToQuery = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY'; //example: vines1vzrYbzLMRdu58ou5XTby4qAqVRLmqo36NKPTg

async function getTokenAccounts(wallet: string, solanaConnection: Connection) {
    const filters:GetProgramAccountsFilter[] = [
          dataSize: 165,    //size of account (bytes)
          memcmp: {
            offset: 32,     //location of our query in the account (bytes)
            bytes: wallet,  //our search criteria, a base58 encoded string
    const accounts = await solanaConnection.getParsedProgramAccounts(
        TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, //new PublicKey("TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA")
        {filters: filters}
    console.log(`Found ${accounts.length} token account(s) for wallet ${wallet}.`);
    accounts.forEach((account, i) => {
        //Parse the account data
        const parsedAccountInfo:any = account.account.data;
        const mintAddress:string = parsedAccountInfo["parsed"]["info"]["mint"];
        const tokenBalance: number = parsedAccountInfo["parsed"]["info"]["tokenAmount"]["uiAmount"];
        //Log results
        console.log(`Token Account No. ${i + 1}: ${account.pubkey.toString()}`);
        console.log(`--Token Mint: ${mintAddress}`);
        console.log(`--Token Balance: ${tokenBalance}`);

source: https://www.quicknode.com/guides/solana-development/spl-tokens/how-to-get-all-tokens-held-by-a-wallet-in-solana

After that if you want get metadata you can use fetchDigitalAsset Check here: https://developers.metaplex.com/token-metadata/fetch

  • Still getting an empty array ``` export async function createMintAccount({ payer }) { mint = await createMint(connection, payer, payer.publicKey, payer.publicKey, 0); console.log('Mint: ', mint.toBase58()); return mint; } ``` If it helps, this is the function that creates a mint account
    – Woods
    Commented Jun 2 at 6:28

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