i'm trying to build and deploy a program, but i get errors while building (althought it still finishes the build), and i can't deploy.
Here is the error while deploying :
ELF error: Failed to parse ELF file: Section or symbol name .data._ZN12wasm_
is longer than 16
while building, i get many errors like this one : Function ZN112$LT$sol...f3dE Stack offset of 4448 exceeded max offset of 4096 by 4104 bytes, please minimize large stack variables
Here is my cargo.toml & anchor cli version:
Cargo: anchor-lang = "^0.25.0" anchor-spl = {version = "0.25.0"} spl-token = {version = "3.3.0", features = ["no-entrypoint"]} mpl-token-metadata = { version="1.2.4", features = ["no-entrypoint"] } getrandom = { version = "0.1.14", features = ["dummy"] }
Anchor cli: anchor-cli 0.25.0
How can i solve this ?