I have created a very simple Hello World using anchor framework, rust, and Solana. But I am unable to deploy it, due to rust's version discrepancy.

Refer the below image

enter image description here

I have tried all types of cargo clean, cargo build and rustc update but nothing helped.

I am requesting help.



1 Answer 1


You'll probably need to upgrade to the latest solana CLI version

solana-install update

I would also suggest using wsl

As to why the rust cargo tools aren't working:

when you compile using the rust compiler rustc, the end result is specified bytecode, most likely x86. see this answer on SO https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43385142/how-is-rust-compiled-to-machine-code

As you've guessed, you can't run x86 code on the SVM and that what the cargo-sbf does in converting the LLVM-IR (low level virtual machine intermediate representation), into SBF

see also https://www.rareskills.io/post/solana-smart-contract-language

  • I am using WSL as well
    – ispostback
    Commented Jul 3 at 17:12

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