I try to swap USDT to other token through SWAP API but it got the same error.block height exceeded.

this is my swap function

async function handleSwap(wallet: any, coinName: string, amount: number) {
  if (!wallet.connected || !wallet.signTransaction) {
    toast.error("Please connect your wallet first", {
      position: "bottom-center"

  const fromToken = "USDT";
  const fromMint = TOKEN_MINTS[fromToken];
  const toMint = TOKEN_MINTS[coinName];

  if (!fromMint || !toMint) {
    toast.error(`Unsupported token pair: ${fromToken} to ${coinName}`, {
      position: "bottom-center"

  try {
    const amountInDecimals = amount;
    const quoteUrl = `https://quote-api.jup.ag/v6/quote?inputMint=${fromMint}&outputMint=${toMint}&amount=${amountInDecimals}&slippageBps=50`;
    const quoteResponse = await fetch(quoteUrl).then((res) => res.json());

    if (!quoteResponse || quoteResponse.error) {
      throw new Error(quoteResponse.error || "Failed to get quote");

    const swapRequestBody = {
      userPublicKey: wallet.publicKey.toString(),
      wrapAndUnwrapSol: true,
      computeUnitPriceMicroLamports: 50000,
      priorityLevelWithMaxLamports: {
        priorityLevel: "high",
        maxLamports: 100000


    const { swapTransaction } = await fetch(
        method: "POST",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(swapRequestBody)
    ).then((res) => res.json());

    const swapTransactionBuf = Buffer.from(swapTransaction, "base64");
    const transaction = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(swapTransactionBuf);

    // Get latest blockhash before signing
    const latestBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash("confirmed");
    transaction.message.recentBlockhash = latestBlockhash.blockhash;

    const signedTransaction = await wallet.signTransaction(transaction);
    const rawTransaction = signedTransaction.serialize();

    // Function to send transaction with retries
    const sendTransactionWithRetry = async (
      rawTx: Buffer,
      maxRetries = 3,
      retryDelay = 1000
    ): Promise<string> => {
      let lastError;

      for (let i = 0; i < maxRetries; i++) {
        try {
          const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(rawTx, {
            skipPreflight: true,
            maxRetries: 2,
            preflightCommitment: "confirmed"

          // Wait for confirmation with a timeout
          const status = await Promise.race([
              signature: txid,
              blockhash: latestBlockhash.blockhash,
              lastValidBlockHeight: latestBlockhash.lastValidBlockHeight
            new Promise((_, reject) =>
              setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Confirmation timeout")), 30000)

          if ((status as any).value.err) {
            throw new Error("Transaction failed");

          return txid;
        } catch (error) {
          lastError = error;
          if (i < maxRetries - 1) {
            await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, retryDelay));
            // Get fresh blockhash for retry
            const newBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash(
            transaction.message.recentBlockhash = newBlockhash.blockhash;
            const newSignedTx = await wallet.signTransaction(transaction);
            rawTx = newSignedTx.serialize();
      throw lastError;

    const txid = await sendTransactionWithRetry(rawTransaction);

    toast.success("Transaction confirmed!", {
      position: "bottom-center"
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error signing or sending the transaction:", error);
      `Transaction failed: ${
        error instanceof Error ? error.message : "Unknown error"
        position: "bottom-center"

1 Answer 1


It's not due to the program itself. You should use better rpc. If you use paid plan for rpc or staked url, then you can effectively fix that error.

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