Taken from https://solanacookbook.com/references/offline-transactions.html#partial-sign-transaction
If Alice is the fee payer and has to sign the transaction, how does she know that Bob hasn't included an transfer instruction to take all of Alice's coins?
// 1. Add an instruction to send the token from Bob to Alice
bobTokenAddress, // source
tokenAddress, // mint
aliceTokenAccount.address, // destination
bobKeypair.publicKey, // owner of source account
1 * 10 ** tokenMint.decimals, // amount to transfer
tokenMint.decimals // decimals of token
// 2. Bob partially signs the transaction
// 3. Serialize the transaction without requiring all signatures
const serializedTransaction = transaction.serialize({
requireAllSignatures: false,
// 4. Alice can deserialize the transaction
const recoveredTransaction = Transaction.from(
Buffer.from(transactionBase64, "base64")