I am trying to update value of string. I can update if its type is u8, u32, u64, or i64 but cannot update if it's a string type. Any guesses what am I doing wrong?

Code snippet:

  1. Program Function
    pub fn set_uri(
        ctx: Context<ModifyLedger>,
        new_uri: String,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        let ledger_account = &mut ctx.accounts.ledger_account;
        ledger_account.uri = new_uri;    
  1. derive Account:
pub struct ModifyLedger<'info> {
    pub ledger_account: Account<'info, Ledger>,
    pub wallet: Signer<'info>,
  1. Account:
pub struct Ledger {
    pub uri: String,
  • How many bytes of space have you allotted to the Ledger account?
    – 0xShuk
    Commented Oct 30, 2022 at 7:05

3 Answers 3


I increased the space of my account and redeployed the programs with new keys.

  payer = payer,
  space = 82+36,
  seeds = [b"my_custom_seed"],
 pub ledger_account: Account<'info, Ledger>
  • Hi, iam also facing this same issue can u let me know how much max size of space I can provide at space value
    – Mojo
    Commented Nov 2, 2022 at 2:29
  • It depends as per you needs. If you don't know how much exact space is required then you can push it to a some higher value like if you have space = 82 you can do something like space = 1024 Commented Nov 2, 2022 at 10:32
  • Hi, in my current project requirement, I need to store some data of users who enters to my Dapp, Before I was only using one PDA account to store all the user details then I was getting serialized Error 3004 Then, I came up with a solution for storing all user details by creating an account for every user, where i can have a n number of accounts in a program
    – Mojo
    Commented Nov 3, 2022 at 2:17

Instead of this

pub struct Ledger {
    pub uri: String,


// Implements an Accounts deserializer on the given struct.   
pub struct Ledger {
    pub uri: String,

Space was the issue for me as well. In my case, I solved it with the equivalent of the following

#[instruction(new_uri: String)]
pub struct ModifyLedger<'info> {
        // 8 for discriminator, 4 for the string length, and uri.len() for the content of string
        space = 8 + 4 + new_uri.len() 
    pub ledger_account: Account<'info, Ledger>,
    pub wallet: Signer<'info>,

Essentially, I am computing the space required to store the ledger account struct, from the data passed in to the instruction. Remember to add 8 bytes at the start for anchor's discriminator.

pub struct Ledger {
    pub uri: String,

Using the exact space required helps you be more efficient in terms of SOL usage.


  1. Solana Quick Start Tutorial - Program Derived Address - Implement Create Instruction (open the Explanation accordion)

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