I followed the guide here https://docs.phantom.app/solana/integrating-phantom/extension-and-in-app-browser-web-apps/establishing-a-connection and was able to connect on "localhost" but when I tried a domain over HTTP it doesn't prompt to connect. Does it only prompt to connect via HTTPS?

2 Answers 2


Correct. For security purposes, Phantom only injects its provider into websites that begin with https://, or if the host is localhost or Encrypting your web traffic and upgrading to https:// will restore functionality.

See: https://docs.phantom.app/solana/resources/faq#why-cant-i-access-phantom-on-my-website


merhaba daha önce satın aldığım tokenlerimi satmak istediğimde frozen diye yazı çıkıyor ben onları nasıl satabilirim ? enter image description here

  • gecmis olsun dolandirildiniz
    – att
    Commented May 25 at 14:30

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