For my application I need to generate new addresses constanly. I want to do it via mnemonic phrases because it'll allow me to restore a private key of an address if I lose it. I need to generate addresses for SOL, as well as for tokens.
There're multiple patterns I've encountered so far:
1) "m/44'/501'/" + index +"'/0'"
2) "m/44'/60'/0'/0/" + i
3) "m/44'/61'/0'/0/" + i
4) "m/44'/0'/0'/0/" + i
Can a derivation path be anything? Is there any difference between them?
If I create a completely random derivation path, store it somewhere, of course, and then use it in my application, will it work fine regardless of the fact how much random it may be?
"m/123'/45'/999'/73/" + i