For Example there is a change in a account in a program how do i listen to that changes to do something. I tried using webhooks but they listen to transaction's and the account involved in that tx does not gets updated as fast as the webhook get's triggered

1 Answer 1


There is accountSubscribe websocket method to subscribe for changes in a specific account.You can use the @solana/web3.js library which hides the implementation details of the websocket method.

Here is a snippet on how you can achieve this:

import { Connection } from "@solana/web3.js"

// Create a connection
const connection = new Connection(<URL>);

// Subscribe to account changes
const id = connection.onAccountChange(<PUBKEY>, (accountInfo) => {
  // Handle account change...

// Don't forget to unsubscribe when you no longer use it
  • "Don't forget to unsubscribe when you no longer use it" is this necissary when the process closes? My unsubscribe requests get a "unsubscribe request ignored" warning if I attempt to tidy (i.e. end subscriptions) upon process close
    – 1owk3y
    Commented Sep 9, 2023 at 8:53

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