I am trying to use simulateTransaction passing account to receive the post balance of those accounts but I am only getting the post balance of the main account not token accounts.

I have tried with different options in the config and nothing, I can only get the post balance of the main account (the one holding SOL).

const accounts = ['main address', 'token account 1', 'token account 2', 'etc']

const config = {
    sigVerify: true,
    accounts: {
       encoding: 'base64',
       addresses: accounts,
    commitment: 'finalized',
    replaceRecentBlockhash: false
await connection.simulateTransaction(tx, config)

In the post balance I should receive - 1 of a token account that is holding an NFT because I am delisting one NFT from tensor, but I am only getting SOL post balance.

1 Answer 1


To get the post token balances, you'll need to parse out the data of each account. If you request jsonParsed encoding, you'll get back the token account balance already parsed, ie:

const response = await connection.simulateTransaction(tx, config);
const newAmount = response.value.accounts[0].data.parsed.tokenAmount.amount;

The parsed response will look like the entries in https://docs.solana.com/api/http#gettokenaccountsbyowner

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