$ anchor idl init -f target/idl/program.json `solana address -k target/deploy/program-keypair.json` 

Error: RPC response error -32002: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: invalid program argument [3 log messages]

Caused by:
    RPC response error -32002: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: invalid program argument [3 log messages]

I have been unable to find:

  • the error -32002 specific to this case
  • the log messages mentioned in the brackets
  • what does Instruction 0 mean
  • which program argument is invalid
  • any solution in general

Solang version: v0.3.2
Anchor-cli version: v0.28.0
Solana-cli version: v1.16.17

edit to add my instruction 0:

      "name": "new",
      "accounts": [
          "name": "dataAccount",
          "isMut": true,
          "isSigner": true,
          "isOptional": false
          "name": "payer",
          "isMut": true,
          "isSigner": true,
          "isOptional": false
          "name": "systemProgram",
          "isMut": false,
          "isSigner": false,
          "isOptional": false
      "args": []

edit: I experimented with changing the function order and its arguments and the problem is still there, suggesting to me a compatibility issue.

You can reproduce this by trying to deploy the program created with:

anchor init program --solidity

Opened issue in anchor github

1 Answer 1


As a temporary workaround, since idl files are simple .json files you can bundle it within the web-app and load it with a simple:

import idl from "./testprogram.json";
new anchor.Program(idl, ...)

Even better, you may copy the target/types/testprogram.ts file into the app and import both the IDL and Contract type with:

import { Testprogram, IDL } from "./testprogram";

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