If you want to use anchor test
but want to skip the deploy process, you can add the flag --skip-deploy
to the command.
Additionally, if you want to use a script or a frontend to call your program, you'll want to follow a few steps:
Import Anchor:
import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
Initialize a connection:
const connection = new anchor.web3.Connection("<your RPC endpoint>", 'confirmed');
Initialize the anchor provider:
const opts = {
preflightCommitment: 'processed' as anchor.web3.ConfirmOptions,
const provider = new anchor.AnchorProvider(
wallet as anchor.Wallet, //if using typescript
Import your IDL from "/target/types/<program_name>.ts":
import { StockpileV2 } from "../idl/idl";
import { IDL } from "../idl/idl";
Reference your program:
const idl = IDL as anchor.Idl;
const program = new anchor.Program(
new PublicKey("<programId>"),
) as unknown as anchor.Program<ProgramNamespace>;
Now you can call instructions from your program:
let tx = await program.methods
.someInstruction(<some args...>)
// some accounts...
// make sure @solana/web.js is installed
let tx = new Transaction();
let instruction = await program.methods
.someInstruction(<some args...>)
// some accounts...
Writing anchor tests will look somewhat similar to this, and implementation will vary.
Quick note: A good practice I've benefitted from is exporting the connection instance, and creating reusable functions for initializing your provider & program. This helps keep your code brief and readable (can add an edit showing this if needed)