Yes, you can dynamically derive pdas in the list of extra_accounts_meta! Here is an example Anchor program you can reference.
You can also reference the examples here created by Jonas, which include 3 examples of Anchor transfer hook programs.
If the pda seeds are addresses of other accounts, you reference them by index.
For example, these lines here:
// index 0-3 are the accounts required for token transfer (source, mint, destination, owner)
// index 4 is address of ExtraAccountMetaList account
let account_metas = vec![
// index 5, wrapped SOL mint
ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.wsol_mint.key(), false, false)?,
// index 6, token program
ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.token_program.key(), false, false)?,
// index 7, associated token program
// index 8, delegate PDA
&[Seed::Literal {
bytes: "delegate".as_bytes().to_vec(),
false, // is_signer
false, // is_writable
// index 9, delegate wrapped SOL token account
7, // associated token program index
Seed::AccountKey { index: 8 }, // owner index (delegate PDA)
Seed::AccountKey { index: 6 }, // token program index
Seed::AccountKey { index: 5 }, // wsol mint index
false, // is_signer
true, // is_writable
// index 10, sender wrapped SOL token account
7, // associated token program index
Seed::AccountKey { index: 3 }, // owner index
Seed::AccountKey { index: 6 }, // token program index
Seed::AccountKey { index: 5 }, // wsol mint index
false, // is_signer
true, // is_writable