If I want to get the latest pricing for Solana, BTC and other crypto's, is there a uniform API to do this or do I have to connect to some open exchange to get this information?

For starters, how would I get Solana current price and volume information? Is actual individual trades also available and is this free?

  • To prevent this question from being closed, please add clarifying details such as the place from which you want to obtain this information (eg. a JavaScript service, a web application, a Python script) Commented Feb 27 at 2:48

1 Answer 1


Do you want to get that data inside Solana Program or in just web2 API ? For API there are many price API endpoints. Coingecko being very popular one

If you need a price inside solana program you can take a look at Pyth price feed oracles. They have 96 price feeds currently available to query on Solana mainnet-beta

This is a simple youtube tutorial on how to do it

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