I'm basically trying to work out if there's any limit to inner instructions that would limit how much I can rely on them for understanding a transaction. I understand from the docs that a list of them can be returned for each transaction instruction.

So if I have a transaction that calls into program A at instruction index 0, and that program makes 2 CPI calls, there'd be two inner instructions.

Does this work recursively too? If I have programs A, B and C, and they call each other:

A --CPI to-> B --CPI to-> C --CPI to-> token program transfer instruction

Then if I call A in a transaction at index 0, will I get something like this?:

  index: 0,
  instructions: [
      programIdIndex: // the one for B,
      accounts: //,
      data: //
      programIdIndex: // the one for C,
      accounts: //,
      data: //
      programIdIndex: // the one for token program,
      accounts: // token transfer accounts
      data: // token transfer data

Assuming this does work, are there any limitations to this recursion, other than the existing limits of transaction size? Given there's no re-entrancy, are we able to always unroll inner instructions fully?

  • 1
    It does work recursively -- everything will be in innerInstructions
    – Jon C
    Commented Feb 26 at 19:51

1 Answer 1


There only limit is that the CPI depth is currently limited to 4:


So your A->B->C->Transfer example is fine, but it's at max depth. It's pretty common to see something like:

    ->Transfer Again
    ->Transfer Again
  • Thanks, that's helpful! It makes me think that inner instructions should unroll them all, since the max depth is only 4.
    – Callum M
    Commented Feb 23 at 11:13

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